
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Cry of Our Hearts Isaiah 64:1-9
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Longing for a divine connection and feeling a deep-seated yearning for God's presence, but not sure where to find it? Ever wondered why we, as humans, often find ourselves filling the void with power, career, faith or substances when God seems elusive to us? We take you down the path of understanding this complex human emotion through the lens of Isaiah's intense longing for God's presence. Drawing from the Prophet's plea to God for revealing Himself once more, we reflect upon the universal desire for a relationship with God and how it manifests into alternate pursuits when left unsatisfied.
Aren't we all longing for a relationship with the Creator and yet struggling with showing patience? It's time to pause and revisit what Paul thought of a false gospel and its relation to our relentless quest for fulfillment. As we navigate the subtleties of Isaiah's prayer for God's revelation and promise fulfillment, we dwell on how important it is to wait, to trust, and to have faith in His timing. Wrapping up with the profound metaphor of clay and God as the potter from Isaiah, we explore the strength in hope and submission, invoking thought about our role and responsibility in this divine relationship. So, come along on this spiritual journey as we seek hope and redemption, reminding ourselves that only God can fulfill our deepest longings and His timing is the ultimate key.

Monday Nov 27, 2023
Don’t Over Complicate It
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Ready for a deep, refreshing breath of spiritual simplicity? That's what we're offering in today's enlightening conversation about faith, its complexities and how we often make it more difficult than it should be. We're examining the critical questions you should be asking yourself to ground your spiritual journey, and guiding you towards a more focused understanding of where your faith rests.
Let's journey together into the significance of bearing spiritual fruit and the importance of abiding in Jesus, not as a checklist, but as the natural outcome of a strong relationship with Christ. There's an immense power in understanding that salvation isn't something we acquire through our efforts, but a gift granted through Jesus. It's all about the beauty of love, joy, kindness, sacrifice for others, and the ultimate victory of Jesus. So, join us as we navigate these spiritual waters together, encouraging you to trust Jesus in all aspects of your life and reminding you of the promise of a new heaven and new earth.

Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Expressing Gratitude in Actions Scripture: Luke 17:11-19
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Join us as we explore the transformative power of gratitude, rooted in the captivating story of Jesus healing the ten lepers on their way to Jerusalem. We dissect the details of this story, highlighting the significance of faith in God during challenging circumstances, the social implications of healing, and the singular Samaritan's profound expression of gratitude. In doing so, we underline the essence of living from gratitude, and how it shapes our hearts and lives.
Next, listen in as we discuss the power of conversations and their lasting impact on our lives. We address how the words we utter and hear can influence our life trajectory. Further, we touch on the importance of community and the role of church as a beacon of support and motivation. The episode concludes with a heartfelt prayer of gratitude, reminding us of the countless blessings we often overlook. The episode promises to be a soul-stirring journey, inviting listeners to live from a place of gratitude and worship.

Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Grateful: Choosing Gratitude in the face of challenges
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Ever wonder what it is that you couldn't live without? What are the true essentials in your life that ground your gratitude? Join us as we engage in a revealing thought experiment, whittling down our list of essentials to the bare minimum, unearthing the depth of our appreciation for these crucial aspects of our lives. This spiritual discipline of gratitude not only opens our hearts but also strengthens our connection with God as we realize that relationships often reign as the most precious possession.
Drawing from the wisdom of the apostle Paul, we delve into the mystery of contentment amidst adversity. Paul's letters to the Philippi church become our roadmap as we traverse the terrain of gratitude and contentment in the face of trials and tribulations. The teachings of Paul and James illuminate the gift that is Jesus, a beacon of peace and contentment even when life's storm rages on. Let's journey together in prayer, seeking God's assistance to maintain focus on Him and cultivate trust in Him during our darkest hours.

Monday Nov 06, 2023
Grateful: The Power of Gratitude in Our Lives
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Ever feel like your happiness is tied to your circumstances, or that negative emotions are taking over your life? Today, we promise to offer you a new perspective as we delve into the transformative power of gratitude. Drawing inspiration from Paul's letter to the Thessalonians, we share how constant rejoicing, continual prayer, and a heart full of thanks, regardless of our situation, can bring a profound sense of contentment and peace.
As we journey into the heart of gratitude, we'll discuss how to counteract negative emotions such as disappointment, envy, and jealousy. We'll uncover the importance of faith and gratitude in response to God's boundless love for us, and how they become the cornerstone of a life rooted and flourishing in Christ. As we delve deeper into our spiritual lives, we'll discover how practicing gratitude can bring us closer to God and have a profound effect on our spiritual walk.
Finally, we'll explore the power of prayer, not as an obligation, but as an expression of our gratitude to God. We'll highlight the importance of the great prayer of thanksgiving, revealing how it can open our hearts to the Holy Spirit and bring us into closer communion with God. As we approach the Lord's Table, we'll rejoice in His grace, mercy, hope, and joy, and celebrate the profound change that gratitude brings to our lives. So, are you ready to embark on this spiritual journey and experience the transformative power of gratitude? Join us and uncover the peace and joy that comes from a thankful heart.

Friday Nov 03, 2023
Guest Speaker: Will Reedy
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Ever wondered about the depth of God's love and the adequacy of your response? Join us on a profound exploration of this divine love, reflected in the ultimate sacrifice of His only Son and the hope that springs from it. Gain insights from the hymn “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” and how its powerful fourth verse invites us to die to ourselves to truly begin living for God.
As we navigate through Romans 5, one thing becomes clear – our ultimate homage to God’s love is to offer our lives as a living testament to His glory.
Get ready to soak in the victory of Jesus Christ, proclaimed powerfully through His final words "it is finished," a victory that symbolizes triumph over sin, death, and worldly worries. Realize the blessings of direct access to the Father, an unshakeable position with Him, and the promise of sharing in His glory. Find comfort in the finished work of Christ on the cross and the assurance of His continual presence, no matter the situation.
Let's journey together through these transformative themes, fostering a sense of peace, hope, and a deeper understanding of God's relentless presence in our lives.

Monday Oct 23, 2023
Christ in the Old Testament: Prophecy & Fulfillment
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Uncover the striking parallels between the Star Wars saga and the New Testament in this enlightening sermon. Dive deep into the grand narratives threading through both epic stories and discover the true protagonists - Anakin Skywalker and Jesus Christ. Unravel the prophecy of Isaiah 53, explore Jesus as the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, and journey through the lives of King David and King Solomon. Be ready for a riveting journey filled with revelations and insights, exploring the divine narrative through the lens of Star Wars and the Bible.

Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Christ in the Old Testament: Numbers and Symbols
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Ever wondered how a Bronze Snake could be a symbol of salvation? This fascinating episode explores the unexpected parallels between our modern understanding of symbolism and the deeper revelations of God's intervention in the Old Testament.

Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Christ in the Old Testament: A Savior is Promised
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
What if you had the chance to peel back the pages of the Old Testament, and unearth the hidden presence of Jesus, right from Genesis? Welcome to an enlightening exploration where we journey through Genesis, the familiar yet profound story of Adam and Eve. We unpack how evil first entered the world, and how this origin story sets the stage for God’s redemptive plan

Monday Sep 25, 2023
Living Hope: Shepherding and Suffering 1 Peter 5:1-11
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Ever wonder how to navigate living as a Christian in a society that might not share your values? What if you had a guidebook inspired by the teachings of Peter to help you endure such challenges? Buckle up because this Sermon is all about unpacking the playbook from 1 Peter 5.